// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package uk.co.chrisjenx.calligraphy; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; class ReflectionUtils { ReflectionUtils() { } static Field getField(Class class1, String s) { try { class1 = class1.getDeclaredField(s); class1.setAccessible(true); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Class class1) { return null; } return class1; } static Method getMethod(Class class1, String s) { class1 = class1.getMethods(); int j = class1.length; for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { Method method = class1[i]; if (method.getName().equals(s)) { method.setAccessible(true); return method; } } return null; } static Object getValue(Field field, Object obj) { try { field = ((Field) (field.get(obj))); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Field field) { return null; } return field; } static transient void invokeMethod(Object obj, Method method, Object aobj[]) { if (method == null) { return; } try { method.invoke(obj, aobj); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Object obj) { } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Object obj) { } ((ReflectiveOperationException) (obj)).printStackTrace(); } static void setValue(Field field, Object obj, Object obj1) { try { field.set(obj, obj1); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Field field) { return; } } }