// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package com.google.gson.internal; import java.lang.reflect.Type; // Referenced classes of package com.google.gson.internal: // ObjectConstructor, ConstructorConstructor, UnsafeAllocator class val.type implements ObjectConstructor { final ConstructorConstructor this$0; private final UnsafeAllocator unsafeAllocator = UnsafeAllocator.create(); final Class val$rawType; final Type val$type; public Object construct() { Object obj; try { obj = unsafeAllocator.newInstance(val$rawType); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new RuntimeException((new StringBuilder()).append("Unable to invoke no-args constructor for ").append(val$type).append(". ").append("Register an InstanceCreator with Gson for this type may fix this problem.").toString(), exception); } return obj; } () { this$0 = final_constructorconstructor; val$rawType = class1; val$type = Type.this; super(); } }