// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package com.google.android.gms.maps.model; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Parcel; import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.safeparcel.SafeParcelable; import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zzu; import com.google.android.gms.dynamic.zzd; // Referenced classes of package com.google.android.gms.maps.model: // zzc, BitmapDescriptor, LatLng, LatLngBounds public final class GroundOverlayOptions implements SafeParcelable { public static final zzc CREATOR = new zzc(); public static final float NO_DIMENSION = -1F; private final int zzCY; private float zzaCT; private float zzaDa; private boolean zzaDb; private BitmapDescriptor zzaDd; private LatLng zzaDe; private float zzaDf; private float zzaDg; private LatLngBounds zzaDh; private float zzaDi; private float zzaDj; private float zzaDk; public GroundOverlayOptions() { zzaDb = true; zzaDi = 0.0F; zzaDj = 0.5F; zzaDk = 0.5F; zzCY = 1; } GroundOverlayOptions(int i, IBinder ibinder, LatLng latlng, float f, float f1, LatLngBounds latlngbounds, float f2, float f3, boolean flag, float f4, float f5, float f6) { zzaDb = true; zzaDi = 0.0F; zzaDj = 0.5F; zzaDk = 0.5F; zzCY = i; zzaDd = new BitmapDescriptor(com.google.android.gms.dynamic.zzd.zza.zzbg(ibinder)); zzaDe = latlng; zzaDf = f; zzaDg = f1; zzaDh = latlngbounds; zzaCT = f2; zzaDa = f3; zzaDb = flag; zzaDi = f4; zzaDj = f5; zzaDk = f6; } private GroundOverlayOptions zza(LatLng latlng, float f, float f1) { zzaDe = latlng; zzaDf = f; zzaDg = f1; return this; } public GroundOverlayOptions anchor(float f, float f1) { zzaDj = f; zzaDk = f1; return this; } public GroundOverlayOptions bearing(float f) { zzaCT = (f % 360F + 360F) % 360F; return this; } public int describeContents() { return 0; } public float getAnchorU() { return zzaDj; } public float getAnchorV() { return zzaDk; } public float getBearing() { return zzaCT; } public LatLngBounds getBounds() { return zzaDh; } public float getHeight() { return zzaDg; } public BitmapDescriptor getImage() { return zzaDd; } public LatLng getLocation() { return zzaDe; } public float getTransparency() { return zzaDi; } int getVersionCode() { return zzCY; } public float getWidth() { return zzaDf; } public float getZIndex() { return zzaDa; } public GroundOverlayOptions image(BitmapDescriptor bitmapdescriptor) { zzaDd = bitmapdescriptor; return this; } public boolean isVisible() { return zzaDb; } public GroundOverlayOptions position(LatLng latlng, float f) { boolean flag1 = true; boolean flag; if (zzaDh == null) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } zzu.zza(flag, "Position has already been set using positionFromBounds"); if (latlng != null) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } zzu.zzb(flag, "Location must be specified"); if (f >= 0.0F) { flag = flag1; } else { flag = false; } zzu.zzb(flag, "Width must be non-negative"); return zza(latlng, f, -1F); } public GroundOverlayOptions position(LatLng latlng, float f, float f1) { boolean flag1 = true; boolean flag; if (zzaDh == null) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } zzu.zza(flag, "Position has already been set using positionFromBounds"); if (latlng != null) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } zzu.zzb(flag, "Location must be specified"); if (f >= 0.0F) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } zzu.zzb(flag, "Width must be non-negative"); if (f1 >= 0.0F) { flag = flag1; } else { flag = false; } zzu.zzb(flag, "Height must be non-negative"); return zza(latlng, f, f1); } public GroundOverlayOptions positionFromBounds(LatLngBounds latlngbounds) { boolean flag; if (zzaDe == null) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } zzu.zza(flag, (new StringBuilder()).append("Position has already been set using position: ").append(zzaDe).toString()); zzaDh = latlngbounds; return this; } public GroundOverlayOptions transparency(float f) { boolean flag; if (f >= 0.0F && f <= 1.0F) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } zzu.zzb(flag, "Transparency must be in the range [0..1]"); zzaDi = f; return this; } public GroundOverlayOptions visible(boolean flag) { zzaDb = flag; return this; } public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) { zzc.zza(this, parcel, i); } public GroundOverlayOptions zIndex(float f) { zzaDa = f; return this; } IBinder zzvI() { return zzaDd.zzvg().asBinder(); } }