// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package com.google.android.gms.maps; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.location.Location; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.view.View; import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zzu; import com.google.android.gms.dynamic.zzd; import com.google.android.gms.dynamic.zze; import com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.IGoogleMapDelegate; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.CameraPosition; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.Circle; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.CircleOptions; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.GroundOverlay; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.GroundOverlayOptions; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.IndoorBuilding; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.LatLng; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.Marker; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.MarkerOptions; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.Polygon; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.PolygonOptions; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.Polyline; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.PolylineOptions; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.RuntimeRemoteException; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.TileOverlay; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.internal.zzg; import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.internal.zzi; // Referenced classes of package com.google.android.gms.maps: // CameraUpdate, Projection, UiSettings, LocationSource public final class GoogleMap { public static interface CancelableCallback { public abstract void onCancel(); public abstract void onFinish(); } public static interface InfoWindowAdapter { public abstract View getInfoContents(Marker marker); public abstract View getInfoWindow(Marker marker); } public static interface OnCameraChangeListener { public abstract void onCameraChange(CameraPosition cameraposition); } public static interface OnIndoorStateChangeListener { public abstract void onIndoorBuildingFocused(); public abstract void onIndoorLevelActivated(IndoorBuilding indoorbuilding); } public static interface OnInfoWindowClickListener { public abstract void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker); } public static interface OnMapClickListener { public abstract void onMapClick(LatLng latlng); } public static interface OnMapLoadedCallback { public abstract void onMapLoaded(); } public static interface OnMapLongClickListener { public abstract void onMapLongClick(LatLng latlng); } public static interface OnMarkerClickListener { public abstract boolean onMarkerClick(Marker marker); } public static interface OnMarkerDragListener { public abstract void onMarkerDrag(Marker marker); public abstract void onMarkerDragEnd(Marker marker); public abstract void onMarkerDragStart(Marker marker); } public static interface OnMyLocationButtonClickListener { public abstract boolean onMyLocationButtonClick(); } public static interface OnMyLocationChangeListener { public abstract void onMyLocationChange(Location location); } public static interface SnapshotReadyCallback { public abstract void onSnapshotReady(Bitmap bitmap); } private static final class zza extends com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzb.zza { private final CancelableCallback zzaBH; public void onCancel() { zzaBH.onCancel(); } public void onFinish() { zzaBH.onFinish(); } zza(CancelableCallback cancelablecallback) { zzaBH = cancelablecallback; } } public static final int MAP_TYPE_HYBRID = 4; public static final int MAP_TYPE_NONE = 0; public static final int MAP_TYPE_NORMAL = 1; public static final int MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE = 2; public static final int MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN = 3; private final IGoogleMapDelegate zzaBp; private UiSettings zzaBq; protected GoogleMap(IGoogleMapDelegate igooglemapdelegate) { zzaBp = (IGoogleMapDelegate)zzu.zzu(igooglemapdelegate); } public final Circle addCircle(CircleOptions circleoptions) { try { circleoptions = new Circle(zzaBp.addCircle(circleoptions)); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (CircleOptions circleoptions) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(circleoptions); } return circleoptions; } public final GroundOverlay addGroundOverlay(GroundOverlayOptions groundoverlayoptions) { try { groundoverlayoptions = zzaBp.addGroundOverlay(groundoverlayoptions); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (GroundOverlayOptions groundoverlayoptions) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(groundoverlayoptions); } if (groundoverlayoptions == null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_26; } groundoverlayoptions = new GroundOverlay(groundoverlayoptions); return groundoverlayoptions; return null; } public final Marker addMarker(MarkerOptions markeroptions) { try { markeroptions = zzaBp.addMarker(markeroptions); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (MarkerOptions markeroptions) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(markeroptions); } if (markeroptions == null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_26; } markeroptions = new Marker(markeroptions); return markeroptions; return null; } public final Polygon addPolygon(PolygonOptions polygonoptions) { try { polygonoptions = new Polygon(zzaBp.addPolygon(polygonoptions)); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (PolygonOptions polygonoptions) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(polygonoptions); } return polygonoptions; } public final Polyline addPolyline(PolylineOptions polylineoptions) { try { polylineoptions = new Polyline(zzaBp.addPolyline(polylineoptions)); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (PolylineOptions polylineoptions) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(polylineoptions); } return polylineoptions; } public final TileOverlay addTileOverlay(TileOverlayOptions tileoverlayoptions) { try { tileoverlayoptions = zzaBp.addTileOverlay(tileoverlayoptions); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (TileOverlayOptions tileoverlayoptions) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(tileoverlayoptions); } if (tileoverlayoptions == null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_26; } tileoverlayoptions = new TileOverlay(tileoverlayoptions); return tileoverlayoptions; return null; } public final void animateCamera(CameraUpdate cameraupdate) { try { zzaBp.animateCamera(cameraupdate.zzvg()); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (CameraUpdate cameraupdate) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(cameraupdate); } } public final void animateCamera(CameraUpdate cameraupdate, int i, CancelableCallback cancelablecallback) { IGoogleMapDelegate igooglemapdelegate; zzd zzd; try { igooglemapdelegate = zzaBp; zzd = cameraupdate.zzvg(); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (CameraUpdate cameraupdate) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(cameraupdate); } if (cancelablecallback != null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_30; } cameraupdate = null; igooglemapdelegate.animateCameraWithDurationAndCallback(zzd, i, cameraupdate); return; cameraupdate = new zza(cancelablecallback); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_18; } public final void animateCamera(CameraUpdate cameraupdate, CancelableCallback cancelablecallback) { IGoogleMapDelegate igooglemapdelegate; zzd zzd; try { igooglemapdelegate = zzaBp; zzd = cameraupdate.zzvg(); } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (CameraUpdate cameraupdate) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(cameraupdate); } if (cancelablecallback != null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_27; } cameraupdate = null; igooglemapdelegate.animateCameraWithCallback(zzd, cameraupdate); return; cameraupdate = new zza(cancelablecallback); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_17; } public final void clear() { try { zzaBp.clear(); return; } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } } public final CameraPosition getCameraPosition() { CameraPosition cameraposition; try { cameraposition = zzaBp.getCameraPosition(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return cameraposition; } public IndoorBuilding getFocusedBuilding() { Object obj; try { obj = zzaBp.getFocusedBuilding(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } if (obj == null) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_25; } obj = new IndoorBuilding(((zzg) (obj))); return ((IndoorBuilding) (obj)); return null; } public final int getMapType() { int i; try { i = zzaBp.getMapType(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return i; } public final float getMaxZoomLevel() { float f; try { f = zzaBp.getMaxZoomLevel(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return f; } public final float getMinZoomLevel() { float f; try { f = zzaBp.getMinZoomLevel(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return f; } public final Location getMyLocation() { Location location; try { location = zzaBp.getMyLocation(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return location; } public final Projection getProjection() { Projection projection; try { projection = new Projection(zzaBp.getProjection()); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return projection; } public final UiSettings getUiSettings() { UiSettings uisettings; try { if (zzaBq == null) { zzaBq = new UiSettings(zzaBp.getUiSettings()); } uisettings = zzaBq; } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return uisettings; } public final boolean isBuildingsEnabled() { boolean flag; try { flag = zzaBp.isBuildingsEnabled(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return flag; } public final boolean isIndoorEnabled() { boolean flag; try { flag = zzaBp.isIndoorEnabled(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return flag; } public final boolean isMyLocationEnabled() { boolean flag; try { flag = zzaBp.isMyLocationEnabled(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return flag; } public final boolean isTrafficEnabled() { boolean flag; try { flag = zzaBp.isTrafficEnabled(); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return flag; } public final void moveCamera(CameraUpdate cameraupdate) { try { zzaBp.moveCamera(cameraupdate.zzvg()); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (CameraUpdate cameraupdate) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(cameraupdate); } } public final void setBuildingsEnabled(boolean flag) { try { zzaBp.setBuildingsEnabled(flag); return; } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } } public final void setContentDescription(String s) { try { zzaBp.setContentDescription(s); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (String s) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(s); } } public final boolean setIndoorEnabled(boolean flag) { try { flag = zzaBp.setIndoorEnabled(flag); } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } return flag; } public final void setInfoWindowAdapter(InfoWindowAdapter infowindowadapter) { if (infowindowadapter == null) { try { zzaBp.setInfoWindowAdapter(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (InfoWindowAdapter infowindowadapter) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(infowindowadapter); } } zzaBp.setInfoWindowAdapter(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzd.zza(infowindowadapter) { final InfoWindowAdapter zzaBG; final GoogleMap zzaBs; public zzd zzf(zzi zzi) { return zze.zzw(zzaBG.getInfoWindow(new Marker(zzi))); } public zzd zzg(zzi zzi) { return zze.zzw(zzaBG.getInfoContents(new Marker(zzi))); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBG = infowindowadapter; super(); } }); return; } public final void setLocationSource(LocationSource locationsource) { if (locationsource == null) { try { zzaBp.setLocationSource(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (LocationSource locationsource) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(locationsource); } } zzaBp.setLocationSource(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.ILocationSourceDelegate.zza(locationsource) { final GoogleMap zzaBs; final LocationSource zzaBx; public void activate(com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzi zzi) { zzaBx.activate(new LocationSource.OnLocationChangedListener(this, zzi) { final com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzi zzaBy; final _cls6 zzaBz; public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { try { zzaBy.zzd(location); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (Location location) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(location); } } { zzaBz = _pcls6; zzaBy = zzi1; super(); } }); } public void deactivate() { zzaBx.deactivate(); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBx = locationsource; super(); } }); return; } public final void setMapType(int i) { try { zzaBp.setMapType(i); return; } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } } public final void setMyLocationEnabled(boolean flag) { try { zzaBp.setMyLocationEnabled(flag); return; } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } } public final void setOnCameraChangeListener(OnCameraChangeListener oncamerachangelistener) { if (oncamerachangelistener == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnCameraChangeListener(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnCameraChangeListener oncamerachangelistener) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(oncamerachangelistener); } } zzaBp.setOnCameraChangeListener(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzf.zza(oncamerachangelistener) { final OnCameraChangeListener zzaBA; final GoogleMap zzaBs; public void onCameraChange(CameraPosition cameraposition) { zzaBA.onCameraChange(cameraposition); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBA = oncamerachangelistener; super(); } }); return; } public final void setOnIndoorStateChangeListener(OnIndoorStateChangeListener onindoorstatechangelistener) { if (onindoorstatechangelistener == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnIndoorStateChangeListener(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnIndoorStateChangeListener onindoorstatechangelistener) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(onindoorstatechangelistener); } } zzaBp.setOnIndoorStateChangeListener(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzg.zza(onindoorstatechangelistener) { final OnIndoorStateChangeListener zzaBr; final GoogleMap zzaBs; public void onIndoorBuildingFocused() { zzaBr.onIndoorBuildingFocused(); } public void zza(zzg zzg) { zzaBr.onIndoorLevelActivated(new IndoorBuilding(zzg)); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBr = onindoorstatechangelistener; super(); } }); return; } public final void setOnInfoWindowClickListener(OnInfoWindowClickListener oninfowindowclicklistener) { if (oninfowindowclicklistener == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnInfoWindowClickListener(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnInfoWindowClickListener oninfowindowclicklistener) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(oninfowindowclicklistener); } } zzaBp.setOnInfoWindowClickListener(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzh.zza(oninfowindowclicklistener) { final OnInfoWindowClickListener zzaBF; final GoogleMap zzaBs; public void zze(zzi zzi) { zzaBF.onInfoWindowClick(new Marker(zzi)); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBF = oninfowindowclicklistener; super(); } }); return; } public final void setOnMapClickListener(OnMapClickListener onmapclicklistener) { if (onmapclicklistener == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnMapClickListener(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnMapClickListener onmapclicklistener) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(onmapclicklistener); } } zzaBp.setOnMapClickListener(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzj.zza(onmapclicklistener) { final OnMapClickListener zzaBB; final GoogleMap zzaBs; public void onMapClick(LatLng latlng) { zzaBB.onMapClick(latlng); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBB = onmapclicklistener; super(); } }); return; } public void setOnMapLoadedCallback(OnMapLoadedCallback onmaploadedcallback) { if (onmaploadedcallback == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnMapLoadedCallback(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnMapLoadedCallback onmaploadedcallback) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(onmaploadedcallback); } } zzaBp.setOnMapLoadedCallback(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzk.zza(onmaploadedcallback) { final GoogleMap zzaBs; final OnMapLoadedCallback zzaBv; public void onMapLoaded() throws RemoteException { zzaBv.onMapLoaded(); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBv = onmaploadedcallback; super(); } }); return; } public final void setOnMapLongClickListener(OnMapLongClickListener onmaplongclicklistener) { if (onmaplongclicklistener == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnMapLongClickListener(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnMapLongClickListener onmaplongclicklistener) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(onmaplongclicklistener); } } zzaBp.setOnMapLongClickListener(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzl.zza(onmaplongclicklistener) { final OnMapLongClickListener zzaBC; final GoogleMap zzaBs; public void onMapLongClick(LatLng latlng) { zzaBC.onMapLongClick(latlng); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBC = onmaplongclicklistener; super(); } }); return; } public final void setOnMarkerClickListener(OnMarkerClickListener onmarkerclicklistener) { if (onmarkerclicklistener == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnMarkerClickListener(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnMarkerClickListener onmarkerclicklistener) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(onmarkerclicklistener); } } zzaBp.setOnMarkerClickListener(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzn.zza(onmarkerclicklistener) { final OnMarkerClickListener zzaBD; final GoogleMap zzaBs; public boolean zza(zzi zzi) { return zzaBD.onMarkerClick(new Marker(zzi)); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBD = onmarkerclicklistener; super(); } }); return; } public final void setOnMarkerDragListener(OnMarkerDragListener onmarkerdraglistener) { if (onmarkerdraglistener == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnMarkerDragListener(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnMarkerDragListener onmarkerdraglistener) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(onmarkerdraglistener); } } zzaBp.setOnMarkerDragListener(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzo.zza(onmarkerdraglistener) { final OnMarkerDragListener zzaBE; final GoogleMap zzaBs; public void zzb(zzi zzi) { zzaBE.onMarkerDragStart(new Marker(zzi)); } public void zzc(zzi zzi) { zzaBE.onMarkerDragEnd(new Marker(zzi)); } public void zzd(zzi zzi) { zzaBE.onMarkerDrag(new Marker(zzi)); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBE = onmarkerdraglistener; super(); } }); return; } public final void setOnMyLocationButtonClickListener(OnMyLocationButtonClickListener onmylocationbuttonclicklistener) { if (onmylocationbuttonclicklistener == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnMyLocationButtonClickListener(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnMyLocationButtonClickListener onmylocationbuttonclicklistener) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(onmylocationbuttonclicklistener); } } zzaBp.setOnMyLocationButtonClickListener(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzp.zza(onmylocationbuttonclicklistener) { final GoogleMap zzaBs; final OnMyLocationButtonClickListener zzaBu; public boolean onMyLocationButtonClick() throws RemoteException { return zzaBu.onMyLocationButtonClick(); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBu = onmylocationbuttonclicklistener; super(); } }); return; } public final void setOnMyLocationChangeListener(OnMyLocationChangeListener onmylocationchangelistener) { if (onmylocationchangelistener == null) { try { zzaBp.setOnMyLocationChangeListener(null); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (OnMyLocationChangeListener onmylocationchangelistener) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(onmylocationchangelistener); } } zzaBp.setOnMyLocationChangeListener(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzq.zza(onmylocationchangelistener) { final GoogleMap zzaBs; final OnMyLocationChangeListener zzaBt; public void zzc(Location location) { zzaBt.onMyLocationChange(location); } public void zzo(zzd zzd) { zzaBt.onMyLocationChange((Location)zze.zzn(zzd)); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBt = onmylocationchangelistener; super(); } }); return; } public final void setPadding(int i, int j, int k, int l) { try { zzaBp.setPadding(i, j, k, l); return; } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } } public final void setTrafficEnabled(boolean flag) { try { zzaBp.setTrafficEnabled(flag); return; } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } } public final void snapshot(SnapshotReadyCallback snapshotreadycallback) { snapshot(snapshotreadycallback, null); } public final void snapshot(SnapshotReadyCallback snapshotreadycallback, Bitmap bitmap) { if (bitmap != null) { bitmap = zze.zzw(bitmap); } else { bitmap = null; } bitmap = (zze)(zze)bitmap; try { zzaBp.snapshot(new com.google.android.gms.maps.internal.zzw.zza(snapshotreadycallback) { final GoogleMap zzaBs; final SnapshotReadyCallback zzaBw; public void onSnapshotReady(Bitmap bitmap1) throws RemoteException { zzaBw.onSnapshotReady(bitmap1); } public void zzp(zzd zzd) throws RemoteException { zzaBw.onSnapshotReady((Bitmap)zze.zzn(zzd)); } { zzaBs = GoogleMap.this; zzaBw = snapshotreadycallback; super(); } }, bitmap); return; } // Misplaced declaration of an exception variable catch (SnapshotReadyCallback snapshotreadycallback) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(snapshotreadycallback); } } public final void stopAnimation() { try { zzaBp.stopAnimation(); return; } catch (RemoteException remoteexception) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(remoteexception); } } IGoogleMapDelegate zzvi() { return zzaBp; } }