// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package com.google.android.gms.analytics.internal; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import com.google.android.gms.analytics.AnalyticsReceiver; import com.google.android.gms.analytics.AnalyticsService; import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zzu; import com.google.android.gms.internal.zzns; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; // Referenced classes of package com.google.android.gms.analytics.internal: // zzd, zzg, zzl, zzf, // zzh, zzab, zzw public class zzb extends zzd { private final zzl zzJq; public zzb(zzf zzf, zzg zzg1) { super(zzf); zzu.zzu(zzg1); zzJq = zzg1.zzj(zzf); } static zzl zza(zzb zzb1) { return zzb1.zzJq; } void onServiceConnected() { zzhO(); zzJq.onServiceConnected(); } public void setLocalDispatchPeriod(int i) { zzia(); zzb("setLocalDispatchPeriod (sec)", Integer.valueOf(i)); zzhS().zze(new Runnable(i) { final int zzJr; final zzb zzJs; public void run() { zzb.zza(zzJs).zzs((long)zzJr * 1000L); } { zzJs = zzb.this; zzJr = i; super(); } }); } public void start() { zzJq.start(); } public void zzG(boolean flag) { zza("Network connectivity status changed", Boolean.valueOf(flag)); zzhS().zze(new Runnable(flag) { final zzb zzJs; final boolean zzJt; public void run() { zzb.zza(zzJs).zzG(zzJt); } { zzJs = zzb.this; zzJt = flag; super(); } }); } public long zza(zzh zzh) { zzia(); zzu.zzu(zzh); zzhO(); long l = zzJq.zza(zzh, true); if (l == 0L) { zzJq.zzc(zzh); } return l; } public void zza(zzab zzab) { zzu.zzu(zzab); zzia(); zzb("Hit delivery requested", zzab); zzhS().zze(new Runnable(zzab) { final zzb zzJs; final zzab zzJw; public void run() { zzb.zza(zzJs).zza(zzJw); } { zzJs = zzb.this; zzJw = zzab; super(); } }); } public void zza(zzw zzw) { zzia(); zzhS().zze(new Runnable(zzw) { final zzb zzJs; final zzw zzJx; public void run() { zzb.zza(zzJs).zzb(zzJx); } { zzJs = zzb.this; zzJx = zzw; super(); } }); } public void zza(String s, Runnable runnable) { zzu.zzh(s, "campaign param can't be empty"); zzhS().zze(new Runnable(s, runnable) { final zzb zzJs; final String zzJu; final Runnable zzJv; public void run() { zzb.zza(zzJs).zzbb(zzJu); if (zzJv != null) { zzJv.run(); } } { zzJs = zzb.this; zzJu = s; zzJv = runnable; super(); } }); } public void zzhG() { zzia(); zzhN(); zzhS().zze(new Runnable() { final zzb zzJs; public void run() { zzb.zza(zzJs).zzhG(); } { zzJs = zzb.this; super(); } }); } public void zzhH() { zzia(); Context context = getContext(); if (AnalyticsReceiver.zzT(context) && AnalyticsService.zzU(context)) { Intent intent = new Intent(context, com/google/android/gms/analytics/AnalyticsService); intent.setAction("com.google.android.gms.analytics.ANALYTICS_DISPATCH"); context.startService(intent); return; } else { zza(((zzw) (null))); return; } } public boolean zzhI() { zzia(); Future future = zzhS().zzb(new Callable() { final zzb zzJs; public Object call() throws Exception { return zzgk(); } public Void zzgk() throws Exception { zzb.zza(zzJs).zziF(); return null; } { zzJs = zzb.this; super(); } }); try { future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException interruptedexception) { zzd("syncDispatchLocalHits interrupted", interruptedexception); return false; } catch (ExecutionException executionexception) { zze("syncDispatchLocalHits failed", executionexception); return false; } return true; } public void zzhJ() { zzia(); zzns.zzhO(); zzJq.zzhJ(); } public void zzhK() { zzaT("Radio powered up"); zzhH(); } void zzhL() { zzhO(); zzJq.zzhL(); } protected void zzhn() { zzJq.zza(); } }