// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package android.support.v7.widget; import android.util.Log; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; // Referenced classes of package android.support.v7.widget: // RecyclerView public static class mInterpolator { public static final int UNDEFINED_DURATION = 0x80000000; private boolean changed; private int consecutiveUpdates; private int mDuration; private int mDx; private int mDy; private Interpolator mInterpolator; private int mJumpToPosition; private void runIfNecessary(RecyclerView recyclerview) { if (mJumpToPosition >= 0) { int i = mJumpToPosition; mJumpToPosition = -1; RecyclerView.access$5100(recyclerview, i); changed = false; return; } if (changed) { validate(); if (mInterpolator == null) { if (mDuration == 0x80000000) { RecyclerView.access$4800(recyclerview).llBy(mDx, mDy); } else { RecyclerView.access$4800(recyclerview).llBy(mDx, mDy, mDuration); } } else { RecyclerView.access$4800(recyclerview).llBy(mDx, mDy, mDuration, mInterpolator); } consecutiveUpdates = consecutiveUpdates + 1; if (consecutiveUpdates > 10) { Log.e("RecyclerView", "Smooth Scroll action is being updated too frequently. Make sure you are not changing it unless necessary"); } changed = false; return; } else { consecutiveUpdates = 0; return; } } private void validate() { if (mInterpolator != null && mDuration < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("If you provide an interpolator, you must set a positive duration"); } if (mDuration < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Scroll duration must be a positive number"); } else { return; } } public int getDuration() { return mDuration; } public int getDx() { return mDx; } public int getDy() { return mDy; } public Interpolator getInterpolator() { return mInterpolator; } boolean hasJumpTarget() { return mJumpToPosition >= 0; } public void jumpTo(int i) { mJumpToPosition = i; } public void setDuration(int i) { changed = true; mDuration = i; } public void setDx(int i) { changed = true; mDx = i; } public void setDy(int i) { changed = true; mDy = i; } public void setInterpolator(Interpolator interpolator) { changed = true; mInterpolator = interpolator; } public void update(int i, int j, int k, Interpolator interpolator) { mDx = i; mDy = j; mDuration = k; mInterpolator = interpolator; changed = true; } public (int i, int j) { this(i, j, 0x80000000, null); } public (int i, int j, int k) { this(i, j, k, null); } public (int i, int j, int k, Interpolator interpolator) { mJumpToPosition = -1; changed = false; consecutiveUpdates = 0; mDx = i; mDy = j; mDuration = k; mInterpolator = interpolator; } }